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Meet Caelen

Certified Financial Coach and Credit Consultant

Nice to me you... I am Cae pronounced like Kay, the owner and CEO of Raising The Bar Consulting.


Raising The Bar's (RTBar) primary goal is to coach people with complicated relationships with money to embrace money with confidence and understanding. We create customized solutions that will allow one to master money their mindsets, instill health financial habits, and slam goals in confidence. 


Where was this program when I needed confidence and understanding?  For many years, I had a rather complicated relationship with money that originated from my childhood.  I took on adult responsibilities at a very young age, and conditioned myself to always fear not having enough money saved for a "rainy day". I saved, and saved, and saved and didn't have a plan outside of saving. The thought of spending money outside of necessities gave me anxiety because I didn't want to unprepared for the unexpectant as a single mother.


It hindered me from living my most juicy life. I didn't travel, didn't shop much, and surely wasn't spontaneous. After seeing the life I wanted in other people, I realized I needed to do something different.  I started studying and reading on how to get the life I wanted.  In my case, it wasn't that I didn't have the money, I didn't want to let go of it. 


I started the journey of mastering my mindset,  I cleared $30,000 in debt, saved 12 months of emergency savings, increased my credit score to over 800, invested into 401's, and IRAs. My attachment to my savings accounts was slowly fading away.  My biggest motivation is to give my daughter a life full of amazing opportunities creating generational wealth. 


We all can manifest a future of wealth and abundance, no matter your past or current relationship is with money.  Be intentional and master your money mindset.  

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